They Deserve More

The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the contribution that key workers make to all our lives and has shown what would be lost if they were not there.

In 2021 I worked with Lonelyleap and the largest UK union UNISON, alongside their agency Krow. I was commissioned to create powerful black and white imagery for the online and print campaign featuring key-workers to build pressure on the UK government to end the public sector pay freeze.

To make things simpler because of the complex logistics during the pandemic, I filmed and took stills using two small Leicas for intimacy and spontaneity.

best viewed in landscape mode

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae blandit neque. Suspendisse malesuada purus quis turpis porttitor accumsan. Phasellus a neque sollicitudin, ullamcorper tortor sit amet, faucibus est. Vivamus congue vehicula gravida. Ut sit amet dapibus ipsum, sit amet eleifend arcu. Fusce elementum tellus arcu, ut ornare ante auctor eu.